Mi, 26.02.25, 18:00 Uhr
AT - Vienna
VIP Package contains: Meet the Band • personalized pic • VIP Laminate • signed Autograph card • signed Tourposter // VIP Add On only valid in combination with a valid concert Ticket for the selected date.
59,00 EUR
Do, 27.02.25, 18:00 Uhr
DE - Munich
VIP Package contains: Meet the Band • personalized pic • VIP Laminate • signed Autograph card • signed Tourposter // VIP Add On only valid in combination with a valid concert Ticket for the selected date.
59,00 EUR
Fr, 28.02.25, 18:00 Uhr
DE - Leipzig
VIP Package contains: Meet the Band • personalized pic • VIP Laminate • signed Autograph card • signed Tourposter // VIP Add On only valid in combination with a valid concert Ticket for the selected date.
59,00 EUR
Sa, 01.03.25, 18:00 Uhr
CZ - Prague
VIP Package contains: Meet the Band • personalized pic • VIP Laminate • signed Autograph card • signed Tourposter // VIP Add On only valid in combination with a valid concert Ticket for the selected date.
59,00 EUR
So, 02.03.25, 18:00 Uhr
HU - Budapest
VIP Package contains: Meet the Band • personalized pic • VIP Laminate • signed Autograph card • signed Tourposter // VIP Add On only valid in combination with a valid concert Ticket for the selected date.
59,00 EUR
Di, 04.03.25, 18:00 Uhr
RO - Bucharest
VIP Package contains: Meet the Band • personalized pic • VIP Laminate • signed Autograph card • signed Tourposter // VIP Add On only valid in combination with a valid concert Ticket for the selected date.
59,00 EUR
Do, 06.03.25, 18:00 Uhr
PL - Krakow
VIP Package contains: Meet the Band • personalized pic • VIP Laminate • signed Autograph card • signed Tourposter // VIP Add On only valid in combination with a valid concert Ticket for the selected date.
59,00 EUR
Fr, 07.03.25, 18:00 Uhr
PL - Warsaw
VIP Package contains: Meet the Band • personalized pic • VIP Laminate • signed Autograph card • signed Tourposter // VIP Add On only valid in combination with a valid concert Ticket for the selected date.
59,00 EUR
Sa, 08.03.25, 18:00 Uhr
LT - Vilnius
VIP Package contains: Meet the Band • personalized pic • VIP Laminate • signed Autograph card • signed Tourposter // VIP Add On only valid in combination with a valid concert Ticket for the selected date.
59,00 EUR
So, 09.03.25, 18:00 Uhr
EE - Tallinn
VIP Package contains: Meet the Band • personalized pic • VIP Laminate • signed Autograph card • signed Tourposter // VIP Add On only valid in combination with a valid concert Ticket for the selected date.
59,00 EUR
Mo, 10.03.25, 18:00 Uhr
FI - Helsinki
VIP Package contains: Meet the Band • personalized pic • VIP Laminate • signed Autograph card • signed Tourposter // VIP Add On only valid in combination with a valid concert Ticket for the selected date.
59,00 EUR
Di, 11.03.25, 18:00 Uhr
FI - Tampere
VIP Package contains: Meet the Band • personalized pic • VIP Laminate • signed Autograph card • signed Tourposter // VIP Add On only valid in combination with a valid concert Ticket for the selected date.
59,00 EUR
Do, 13.03.25, 18:00 Uhr
NO - Oslo
VIP Package contains: Meet the Band • personalized pic • VIP Laminate • signed Autograph card • signed Tourposter // VIP Add On only valid in combination with a valid concert Ticket for the selected date.
59,00 EUR
Fr, 14.03.25, 18:00 Uhr
SE - Göteborg
VIP Package contains: Meet the Band • personalized pic • VIP Laminate • signed Autograph card • signed Tourposter // VIP Add On only valid in combination with a valid concert Ticket for the selected date.
59,00 EUR
So, 16.03.25, 18:00 Uhr
DE - Berlin
VIP Package contains: Meet the Band • personalized pic • VIP Laminate • signed Autograph card • signed Tourposter // VIP Add On only valid in combination with a valid concert Ticket for the selected date.
59,00 EUR
Mo, 17.03.25, 18:00 Uhr
DE - Frankfurt
VIP Package contains: Meet the Band • personalized pic • VIP Laminate • signed Autograph card • signed Tourposter // VIP Add On only valid in combination with a valid concert Ticket for the selected date.
59,00 EUR
Di, 18.03.25, 18:00 Uhr
BE - Antwerp
VIP Package contains: Meet the Band • personalized pic • VIP Laminate • signed Autograph card • signed Tourposter // VIP Add On only valid in combination with a valid concert Ticket for the selected date.
59,00 EUR
Mi, 19.03.25, 18:00 Uhr
FR - Paris
VIP Package contains: Meet the Band • personalized pic • VIP Laminate • signed Autograph card • signed Tourposter // VIP Add On only valid in combination with a valid concert Ticket for the selected date.
59,00 EUR
Fr, 21.03.25, 18:00 Uhr
ES - Pamplona
VIP Package contains: Meet the Band • personalized pic • VIP Laminate • signed Autograph card • signed Tourposter // VIP Add On only valid in combination with a valid concert Ticket for the selected date.
59,00 EUR
Sa, 22.03.25, 18:00 Uhr
ES - Murcia
VIP Package contains: Meet the Band • personalized pic • VIP Laminate • signed Autograph card • signed Tourposter // VIP Add On only valid in combination with a valid concert Ticket for the selected date.
59,00 EUR
So, 23.03.25, 18:00 Uhr
ES - Barcelona
VIP Package contains: Meet the Band • personalized pic • VIP Laminate • signed Autograph card • signed Tourposter // VIP Add On only valid in combination with a valid concert Ticket for the selected date.
59,00 EUR
Di, 25.03.25, 18:00 Uhr
CH - Pratteln
VIP Package contains: Meet the Band • personalized pic • VIP Laminate • signed Autograph card • signed Tourposter // VIP Add On only valid in combination with a valid concert Ticket for the selected date.
59,00 EUR
Mi, 26.03.25, 18:00 Uhr
DE - Stuttgart
VIP Package contains: Meet the Band • personalized pic • VIP Laminate • signed Autograph card • signed Tourposter // VIP Add On only valid in combination with a valid concert Ticket for the selected date.
59,00 EUR
Do, 27.03.25, 18:00 Uhr
DE - Oberhausen
VIP Package contains: Meet the Band • personalized pic • VIP Laminate • signed Autograph card • signed Tourposter // VIP Add On only valid in combination with a valid concert Ticket for the selected date.
59,00 EUR
Fr, 28.03.25, 18:00 Uhr
DE - Hamburg
VIP Package contains: Meet the Band • personalized pic • VIP Laminate • signed Autograph card • signed Tourposter // VIP Add On only valid in combination with a valid concert Ticket for the selected date.
59,00 EUR
Sa, 29.03.25, 18:00 Uhr
DE - Geiselwind
VIP Package contains: Meet the Band • personalized pic • VIP Laminate • signed Autograph card • signed Tourposter // VIP Add On only valid in combination with a valid concert Ticket for the selected date.
59,00 EUR
Di, 08.04.25, 18:00 Uhr
GR - Athens
VIP Package contains: Meet the Band • personalized pic • VIP Laminate • signed Autograph card • signed Tourposter // VIP Add On only valid in combination with a valid concert Ticket for the selected date.
59,00 EUR
Mi, 09.04.25, 18:00 Uhr
GR - Thessaloniki
VIP Package contains: Meet the Band • personalized pic • VIP Laminate • signed Autograph card • signed Tourposter // VIP Add On only valid in combination with a valid concert Ticket for the selected date.
59,00 EUR
Fr, 11.04.25, 18:00 Uhr
TR - Istanbul
VIP Package contains: Meet the Band • personalized pic • VIP Laminate • signed Autograph card • signed Tourposter // VIP Add On only valid in combination with a valid concert Ticket for the selected date.
59,00 EUR
Sa, 12.04.25, 18:00 Uhr
BG - Sofia
VIP Package contains: Meet the Band • personalized pic • VIP Laminate • signed Autograph card • signed Tourposter // VIP Add On only valid in combination with a valid concert Ticket for the selected date.
59,00 EUR

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